InvestEU - European Union
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Официален уебсайт на Европейския съюзОфициален уебсайт на ЕС


InvestEU Fund figures and indicators

The InvestEU Programme consists of 3 building blocks:

Latest events

Policy Context

InvestEU Greendeal

InvestEU helps our economy recover from the coronavirus crisis. It contributes to transforming the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, by playing a pivotal role under the European Green Deal Investment Plan and the Just Transition Mechanism.

InvestEU safeguards and boosts Europe’s competitiveness. The Competitiveness Compass, as the first major initiative of the new Commission, will frame our future work building on the Draghi report to close the innovation gap, decarbonise and increase security.

Green Deal Industrial Plan

InvestEU will support the Green Deal Industrial Plan to enhance the competitiveness of Europe's net-zero industry and the fast transition to climate neutrality. Many InvestEU projects already support the goals of the Green Deal Industrial Plan.


In response to the hardships and global energy market disruption caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the European Commission presented the REPowerEU Plan. REPowerEU is a plan for saving energy, producing clean energy and diversifying our energy supplies.