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InvestEU Framework for Sustainable Transition


The Framework aims to accelerate the green transition, while fulfilling the other important and related objectives of improving the competitiveness and socio-economic convergence in the EU, supporting the recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and helping address the impact of the war on Ukraine. Typical projects, which are expected to be funded under the Framework, include energy efficiency in industries and commerce, circular economy and recycling initiatives, green buildings and building renovation, battery value chain, sustainable food products, renewable energy (wind, solar), advanced climate technologies (e.g. energy storage, low carbon and renewable fuels), sustainable mobility, grid enhancement, water and wastewater, street lighting, rail projects, intermodal logistics, low carbon and urban transport.

InvestEU operation amount 375 million
Sector Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Mining and quarrying; Manufacturing; Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; Water supply; Sewerage, waste management and remediation activities; Construction; Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; Transportation and storage; Accommodation and food service activities; Information and communication; Real estate activities; Administrative and support service activities
Subsector N/A
Policy window Sustainable Infrastructure (SIW)
Approval by the Investment Committee 24 March 2023

Links and documents

15 JUNE 2023
Conclusions - EBRD InvestEU Framework for Sustainable Transition (EBRD)
15 JUNE 2023
First InvestEU projects by EBRD support sustainable projects

New EBRD projects approved by InvestEU Investment Committee

For further details about signed operations under InvestEU, see Access to EU Finance

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Policy window
  • Sustainable Infrastructure (SIW)
Eligible areas
  • Energy
  • Mobility
  • Environment
  • Digital connectivity and infrastructure
  • Digital technologies and services
  • Tourism
  • Industrial Site Rehabilitation
  • Sustainable bioeconomy
Implementing partner
  • EBRD