Mission of the InvestEU Advisory Hub
The advisory support offered by the InvestEU Advisory Hub (the Advisory Hub) is aligned with the objectives of the InvestEU Programme, and it will be delivered through a number of thematic advisory initiatives in the InvestEU eligible sectors and priorities.
Advisory initiatives are set up under all four InvestEU policy windows, as well as under a cross-sectoral component for horizontal advisory support services.
The InvestEU Advisory Hub:
- Supports the identification, preparation, development, structuring, procurement and implementation of investment projects
- Enhances the capacity of promoters and financial intermediaries to implement financing and investment operations
- Supports awareness raising and preparatory activities for investment areas that show a clear market gap
The support of the InvestEU Advisory Hub does not require its beneficiaries to apply for financing through the InvestEU Fund, nor does it entitle them to receive such financing support, although most advisory initiatives are linked and support specific InvestEU financial products. Applications for financing under the InvestEU Fund have to be submitted separately and assessed in accordance with the respective eligibility criteria.
The InvestEU Advisory Hub structure
The InvestEU Advisory Hub replaces thirteen centrally managed advisory programmes and is the central entry point for advisory and technical assistance requests.
The InvestEU Advisory Hub is structured as follows:
- A central entry point for the provision of advisory support services and project development assistance for authorities and project promoters and financial or other intermediaries for centrally managed EU programmes
- Advisory initiatives under the four InvestEU policy windows as well as under a cross-sectoral/ horizontal advisory component
InvestEU Advisory Hub partners, implementing the InvestEU Advisory Hub support, provide project advisory, capacity building and market development support to promoters and intermediaries to create the InvestEU pipeline of projects.
InvestEU Advisory Partners

The European Investment Bank (EIB) will provide under the InvestEU Advisory Hub up to €270 million for market development, developing skills and project level advisory services in areas of sustainable infrastructure, research, innovation and digitization, small and medium-sized businesses and social investment and skills.

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) in its role as advisory partner under the InvestEU Advisory Hub will provide project advisory, market development and capacity building support to project promoters and financial intermediaries in Italy operating in social and public infrastructure, sustainable energy, transport and logistics and digital and innovative infrastructure sectors.

Bpifrance is a French National Promotional Bank supporting businesses at every stage of their development through grants, loans, guarantees, equity investments and export insurance. Under the InvestEU Advisory Hub, Bpifrance provides services in accelerating the modernisation of the French industry and supporting businesses in adapting to the consequences of the war in Ukraine.

Caisse des Dépôts (CDC) is a National Promotional Institution, which finances projects that are beneficial to the French population, such as social housing, ecological transition, schools and digital technology.
Under the InvestEU Advisory Hub, CDC will provide an advisory support initiative to encourage French cities under convention with French national program « Petites Villes de Demain » to invest in sustainability-oriented revitalization projects. The advisory initiative will cover policy and investment priorities under the Sustainable Infrastructure Window.

The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) is a multilateral development bank with an exclusively social mandate and represents a major instrument of the policy of solidarity in Europe. The advisory support provided by CEB will contribute to the development of quality investment projects under the InvestEU’s Social Investment and Skills and Sustainable Infrastructure windows. The supported projects will cover investments in social, affordable and student housing, childhood education, universities and vocational training centres and healthcare.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is a multilateral development bank that promotes the development of the private sector and entrepreneurial initiative in 36 economies across three continents. The Bank is owned by 71 countries as well as the EU and the EIB. EBRD investments are aimed at making the economies in its regions competitive, inclusive, well-governed, green, resilient and integrated.
Under the InvestEU Advisory Hub, the EBRD provides project advisory, capacity building and market development activities to support investments in sustainable infrastructure, SMEs, digitalisation and innovative projects in its EU countries of operation.
The InvestEU Advisory Hub is the central entry point for project promoters and intermediaries seeking advisory support and technical assistance related to centrally managed EU investment funds.
Other partners
The InvestEU Advisory Hub collaborates also with CINEA by giving its Advisory Initiative (Green Assist) access to the Central Entry Point advisory requests received, as well as other partners to address/respond to/serve specific advisory support needs:

The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has developed GREEN ASSIST, an advisory service, free of charge, to enable private and public entities to green their investments or their strategy. The initiative targets a very broad range of environmental (such as Natural Capital, Waste & Circular Economy) or non-environmental sectors (energy, transport, industries, etc.).

The Enterprise Europe Network provides free services that help businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions.
The Network is active worldwide. It brings together experts from member organisations that are renowned for their excellence in business support.
Member organisations include:
• chambers of commerce and industry
• regional development organisations
• universities and research institutes
• innovation agencies

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) is a decentralised agency of the European Union (EU) responsible for managing the EU trade mark and design (RCD). The EUIPO aims to improve small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) understanding of and access to intellectual property (IP) through free personalised IP support and initiatives such as IP Scan and the SME Fund.