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Framework Operation #23 for Sustainability Guarantee – Bulgaria lnvestEU Member State Compartment (Capped Guarantee)

Framework Operation #23 for Sustainability Guarantee – Bulgaria lnvestEU Member State Compartment (Capped Guarantee)


Under the Bulgaria Member State Compartment, the EU will provide to the EIF an EU guarantee to cover financing operations and implementation costs of Member State Compartment in Bulgaria. Such guarantee is underpinned by the resources of the Bulgaria Recovery and Resilience Facility that have been made available to the EC based on the contribution agreement signed between Bulgaria and EU. The purpose of using the Member State Compartment is to enable both the Member State and EIF to streamline the implementation by relying on the already set product terms under the lnvestEU EU Compartment (in this case the Sustainability Guarantee) as well as to benefit from the overall deployment framework already operational at lnvestEU. This Framework Operation builds on the successful implementation of the guarantee programmes managed by EIF, such as SME Initiative Bulgaria and COSME Loan Guarantee Facility, SME Guarantee Facility, EGF. The Framework Operation will cover Sub-Projects which in turn will aim to enhance access to finance for sustainable enterprises and support investments contributing to the green and sustainable transformation of the Bulgarian economy by supporting access to debt financing to final recipients.

InvestEU operation amount  
Policy window Sustainable Infrastructure (SIW), SMEs (SMEW)
Approval by the Investment Committee 27 April 2023

Links and documents

Conclusions- Framework Operation #23 for Sustainability Guarantee
Scoreboard- Framework Operation #23 for Sustainability Guarantee

For further details about signed operations under InvestEU, see Access to EU Finance

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Policy window
  • SMEs (SMEW)
  • Sustainable Infrastructure (SIW)
Eligible areas
  • Energy
  • SMEs and small mid-caps
Implementing partner
  • EIF