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16 July 2024

InvestEU Indicators

The graphs below show the implementation of the InvestEU Fund. Data are based on the operational reporting of the InvestEU implementing partners and are regularly updated as data are available.

Financing by country

not covered are signed operations with a multi-country focus 

Data as of 29 February 2024

Overview of implementation

Target investment mobilised by 2027: EUR 372 billion

Data as of 31 December 2023

Implementation per policy window

Data as of 29 February 2024

Eligible areas

Volume of signed operations per eligible area, EUR million, top areas

Key indicators (selection)

2 897 927
Number of jobs: created, supported
6 580
Investment supporting digitisation, EUR million
36 842
Investment supporting industrial transition (towards climate neutrality and digital leadership), EUR million
MW 27 270
Additional renewable energy generation capacity installed
3 167
Number of affordable social housing units built or renovated
26 070
Supported microfinance recipients
5 997
Supported SMEs
7 560
Strategic investments (critical infrastructure, cybersecurity, space, defence) EUR million

Data as of 31 December 2023

Guarantee: sources / state of approval

Data as of July 2024