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Key figures - EU compartment

[as of January 2025]

€22.03 billion
Max. EU Guarantee amount approved by the Investment Committee
InvestEU operations approved by the Investment Committee
Implementing partners
InvestEU Fund_About the InvestEU Fund

The InvestEU Fund combines thirteen centrally managed EU financial instruments and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) into one instrument.

InvestEU Fund - How to get financing

The InvestEU Fund was launched in 2021. InvestEU implementing partners provide direct and intermediated financing solutions for both private and public project promoters.

About InvestEU

The InvestEU programme also provides for an opportunity to Member States to add funds to the EU guarantee’s provisioning by voluntarily channelling a part of their Cohesion Policy Funds or of their RRF funds to the Member States compartment for each policy area.

Implementing partners

The guarantee available under the InvestEU Fund is implemented in partnership with selected financial partners, or ‘implementing partners’.

InvestEU Implementing partners

Guarantee agreements with implementing partners have been concluded in 2022 and 2023.  Please see the list of implementing partners below.

Current InvestEU Implementing Partners

  • European Investment Bank (EIB)
    European Investment Bank (EIB)

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its Member States. The Bank’s investments under the InvestEU programme will focus on projects operating in four priority areas: infrastructure, innovation, climate and environmen.

    Find out more about the InvestEU financing opportunities provided by the EIB Group

  • European Investment Fund (EIF)
    The European Investment Fund (EIF)

    The European Investment Fund (EIF) is part of the EIB Group. It supports Europe's SMEs by improving their access to finance by designing, promoting and implementing equity and debt financing instruments targeting small business. Under the InvestEU programme the EIF supports European projects, which foster entrepreneurship, growth, innovation, research and development, the green and digital transitions and employment.

    Calls for expression of interests to become financial intermediary have been  published by the European Investment Fund (EIF):

  • The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)
    The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)

    The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) is a multilateral development bank with an exclusively social mandate. CEB provides loans in its 42 member states, with a specific focus on projects coming from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Under the InvestEU, CEB is expected to unlock €500 million of significant investments under the “social investment and skills” and “sustainable infrastructure” windows. This includes social, affordable and student housing; education, employment, and skills; health care, long-term care and social care; as well as clean and smart urban mobility, water and wastewater services, and flood protection. The portfolio will also support cross-cutting objectives such as gender equality and the inclusion of vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities. Potential borrowers include governments, local or regional authorities, financial institutions, and other public or private entities.

  • The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)
    The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)

    The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) is the international financial institution of the Nordic and Baltic region. NIB will use the InvestEU guarantee to mobilise an expected €480 million of investments in clean energy, the modernisation and decarbonisation of industry, critical raw materials supply, sustainable transport, environmental protection, bio-economy, digital connectivity and sustainable data infrastructure. It will support investment in projects supporting the sustainable blue economy, space, critical infrastructure, health and the development of innovative technologies across a range of sectors. At this stage, the InvestEU Guarantee can be used to support projects in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.

  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is a multilateral bank that promotes the development of the private sector and entrepreneurial initiative in 38 economies across three continents. The Bank is owned by 71 countries as well as the EU and the EIB. EBRD investments are aimed at making the economies in its regions competitive, inclusive, well-governed, green, resilient and integrated. The bank offers financing for projects in a wide range of sectors. The principal forms of direct financing that the EBRD offers are loans, equity and guarantees.

    InvestEU guarantees will help the EBRD finance investments cumulatively worth up to an expected €2.5 billion in sustainable infrastructure and greener industry and services, research, innovation and digitisation as well as social housing. The geographical focus of the projects is in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia.

  • Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Equity (CDP Equity)
    Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Equity (CDP Equity)

    CDP Equity is the equity investment company of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, with the mission of pursuing the equity strategy of the Group both directly, through investments in Italian companies of national strategic interest capable of generating value in the long term, and indirectly, through asset management companies operating in various sectors of the Italian economy. [Under the InvestEU CDP Equity will support investments dedicated to the development of the Italian Venture Capital sector for a total of 520 million.

  • Caisse des Dépôts (CDC)
    Caisse des Dépôts (CDC)

    Caisse des Dépôts and its subsidiaries are a public group, a long-term investor serving the general interest and sustainable development of the French territories. Its activities include supporting the housing sector, developing French territories, promoting the ecological transition, assisting the French population in training and retirement plans, provide them day-to-day services (post and bank), and financially supporting businesses. Under the InvestEU programme Caisse des Dépôts will aim to unlock up to an expected €700 million in the areas of rehabilitation and restoration of industrial wasteland, the development of data centres as well as investment in industrial infrastructure to the benefit of innovative companies in France. Projects covered by InvestEU will also include loans to renovate the poorest urban areas in France as well as loans to the tourism sector to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. The InvestEU Guarantee can be used to support investments across France and its Overseas Countries and Territories.

  • Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO)
    Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO)

    Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) is a Spanish state-owned investment bank. By granting loans, ICO supports innovative and sustainable business projects, in both Spain and other EU markets, to contribute to sustainable growth. As a National Promotional Bank, it provides financing to companies, with special emphasis on SMEs and the self-employed. ICO will use the InvestEU guarantee agreement to mobilise an expected amount of up to €150 million in investments in the green transition and critical infrastructure. More specifically, it will support investment in crucial energy, sustainable transport, environment and water, digital and social infrastructure projects.

  • Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)
    Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)

    Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) is the Italian National Promotional Institution supporting the development of the country, using national savings to enhance growth and boost employment. CDP leverages on new technologies and innovations, promoting business competitiveness, sustainable infrastructure, and local development. In particular, CDP supports investments of the local authorities for urban regeneration, social infrastructure and sustainable mobility.

    Under InvestEU Program, CDP is committed to mobilize an expected amount of more than 700 EUR investments and long-term financing in business research and development, social and sustainable infrastructure and affordable social housing projects.

  • Bpifrance (BPI)
    Bpifrance (BPI)

    Bpifrance is the French national investment bank: it finances companies – at each stage of their development – with loans, guarantees and equity. Bpifrance also provides extra financial services (training, consultancy) to help entrepreneurs meet their challenges (innovation, export…). Bpifrance supports them in their innovation projects and internationally. Bpifrance also ensures their export activity through a wide range of products. Advice, university, networking and acceleration program for start-ups, SMEs and ETIs are also part of the offer offered to entrepreneurs. Thanks to Bpifrance and its 50 regional locations, entrepreneurs benefit from a close, unique and efficient interlocutor to support them in facing their challenges.

    Under the InvestEU Programme Bpifrance expects to unlock €1 billion of investments to support innovative SMEs and small mid-cap companies in France.

  • Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK)
    Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK)

    Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) is the Polish development bank, which supports sustainable social and economic growth in the country and ensures the well-being of future generations by building social capital, developing entrepreneurship and providing responsible financing.  Through cooperation with business, the public sector and financial institutions, BGK supports the economic growth where the market does not work effectively, e.g. by financing important projects with a high level of risk, and undertakes a number of initiatives promoting sustainable development. It also cooperates with other financial institutions on a partnership basis, while complementing their offer. BGK is also actively involved in building a development cooperation portfolio.

    Under the InvestEU programme BGK will aim to unlock up to an expected €484 million for sustainable infrastructure and innovation investments across Poland. The guarantee will back long-term finance for a wide range of private and public sector entities, in several priority areas of InvestEU, including renewable energies, low-carbon transport, ICT, digitalisation, healthcare and innovation. These investments will help the EU to achieve its broader strategic objectives of securing the green and digital transitions.

  • Invest-NL

    Invest-NL, the Dutch National Promotional Institute, serves as an essential link between the public and private sectors and aims to promote a sustainable and innovative business environment in the Netherlands. By actively participating in European initiatives such as the InvestEU guarantee scheme, Invest-NL contributes to the development of both a sustainable and innovative economy.

  • Garantiqa

    Garantiqa is a Hungarian promotional bank that has been supporting the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises since 1992, partly through state guarantees and partly through market-based guarantee services. The operating model of Garantiqa is that of a public-private ownership undertaking that reaches the market only via intermediated financing through commercial banks. It has a strategic partnership with all major commercial banks operating in Hungary, with a collective network of over 1 300 branches. The Institution’s headquarters are located in Budapest and it employs 133 employees.

    Garantiqa will use the European Union guarantee to mobilise investments in the SME Window of the InvestEU programme. Thanks to the agreement between the two parties, financing projects in areas such as agriculture and food industry, clean energy, digital, supply chain development, Research & Development, production efficiency, and support to Hungarian transition regions and rural development, becomes more accessible.

  • PMV

    PMV is a Flemish investment company building a sustainable Flemish economy, the engine of our prosperity and well-being. PMV partners ambitious companies and projects, committed to social impact and financial return. PMV finances promising companies from the very start, through growth and internationalisation. PMV offers tailor-made financial solutions to all entrepreneurs with a good business plan and a strong management team. It does so with capital, loans and guarantees. It also realises, with and for the government, and other partners, projects that are important for prosperity and welfare in Flanders. PMV has a portfolio with 1.7 billion euro of assets under management.

  • Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB)
    Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB)

    The Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB) is a credit institution 100%-owned by the Bulgarian state. It was established in 1999 with main focus to support small and medium-sized enterprises. It is the only Bulgarian bank to provide direct financing as well as financing via other credit institutions. The bank implements special mandates of the Bulgarian government like the anti-crisis measures to overcome the negative consequences of COVID-19. Essential part of the long-term goals of the bank is the support of sustainable investments. BDB is focusing on strengthening the bank's capacity to implement green policies.

  • Národní rozvojová banka / National Development Bank (NRB)
    Národní rozvojová banka / National Development Bank (NRB)

    Národní rozvojová banka / National Development Bank (NRB) is a specialised state-owned banking institution aimed at contributing to sustainable economic development of the Czech Republic. The NRB, as a pillar assessed institution, is the main provider of financial instruments funded from public and European resources as well as from own resources and in cooperation with private capital. It has become an important partner for the central state administration authorities, state funds, regions, municipalities and the private sector, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises.

  • Banco Português de Fomento
    Banco Português de Fomento

    Banco Português de Fomento's (BPF) mission is to support Portugal's economic and social development by creating and providing innovative, competitive, and appropriate solutions to the needs and challenges of the business ecosystem, boosting entrepreneurial capacity, investment, and job creation, and promoting the country's sustainability and economic, social, and territorial cohesion.