Frequently asked questions about the InvestEU Portal - European Union Skip to main content
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Frequently asked questions about the InvestEU Portal

What is the difference between the InvestEU Portal (the Portal) and the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP)?

The InvestEU Portal builds on the EIPP with further enhanced features.

Projects published on the InvestEU Portal, may also be transmitted to:

  • InvestEU implementing partners (the EIB group and other financial institutions like National Promotional Banks and International Financial Institutions) who shall then examine projects falling within their geographic and activity scope,
  • The central entry point of the InvestEU Advisory Hub, as appropriate, where an advisory initiative exists and if the project promoters are requesting advisory support.

What is the goal of the InvestEU Portal?

The InvestEU Portal provides an easily accessible and user-friendly project database granting visibility to EU, Iceland or Norway based projects for which project promoters seek financing and which provides investors with information about available investment opportunities.

How is the InvestEU Portal linked to the InvestEU Programme?

The InvestEU Portal is one of the three pillars of the InvestEU Programme together with the InvestEU Fund and the InvestEU Advisory Hub.

Projects that will be received for publication on the InvestEU Portal, may also be transmitted, as appropriate, to InvestEU’s implementing partners and the InvestEU Advisory Hub.

What will happen to my project after publication on the InvestEU Portal?

Building on the existing EIPP, the InvestEU Portal provides a channel for project promoters to increase the visibility of their projects to investors.

The inclusion of projects on the Portal will be without prejudice to the decisions on the final projects selected for support under the InvestEU Programme, any other financing instrument of the European Union, or other public funding. Projects meeting the admission criteria will be transmitted, as appropriate, to InvestEU’s implementing partners and, where an advisory initiative exists, to the InvestEU Advisory Hub.

Who can use the InvestEU Portal?

The InvestEU Portal is designed for project promoters searching for financing of their EU, Iceland or Norway based projects and international investors. Users need to register on the Portal to submit projects and/or contact promoters of the projects already published. Only projects that are compatible with EU law and policies will be listed on the Portal.

Can non-EU projects be promoted on the InvestEU Portal?

Only projects situated in the EU, Iceland or Norway or in an overseas country or territory linked to a Member State as set out in Annex II to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union are eligible for publication on the InvestEU Portal. However, cross-border projects with non-EU countries may also be included so long as the principal part of investment and implementation of the project takes place, at least partially, in at least one EU country, Iceland or Norway or in an overseas country or territory linked to a Member State as set out in Annex II to the Treaty.

Will the projects be screened before publication?

The European Commission screens projects based on the admission criteria set out in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/626.

The InvestEU Portal screening is not intended to replace the due diligence process investors have to undertake before making investment decisions.

How long are projects published on the InvestEU Portal?

As it was the case on the EIPP, projects are published on the InvestEU Portal for three years. During that time, project promoters will be encouraged to provide periodic updates on how their projects are progressing.

How can I submit a project to the InvestEU Portal?

In order to submit a project to the InvestEU Portal, promoters have to register. The submission process is quick and easy, with a set-up wizard to guide promoters through the registration and submission process.

Promoters have to complete their user profile, add their organisation and create their project, before submitting it for publication. To be published on the InvestEU Portal, projects have to be promoted by a private or public legal entity in good standing and fulfilling the admission criteria.

Do I have to register as an investor?

To contact promoters of projects published on the InvestEU Portal, investors have to register on the Portal. A set-up wizard guides users through the registration process and in completing their user profile. Qualified investors are able to consult the list of projects published, set search preferences and subscribe to newsletters and tailored notifications, as well as contact project promoters.