The InvestEU Portal brings together investors and project promoters on a single EU-wide platform, by providing an easily-accessible and user-friendly database of investment opportunities available within the EU, Norway and Iceland.
The InvestEU Portal (the Portal) forms an integral part of the InvestEU Programme, together with the InvestEU Fund and the InvestEU Advisory Hub.
The InvestEU Portal allows project promoters to reach investors that they may not be able to reach otherwise. The Portal continues the work started under the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) and is the online EU ‘marketplace’ connecting EU, Norway and Iceland based project promoters to investors worldwide. It provides project promoters with more options to finance their projects.

Since the InvestEU Portal provides a list of pre-checked quality projects, qualified investors have the opportunity to easily screen various projects before deciding on which ones to invest in.
Furthermore, the European Commission may transmit the projects received for publication on the InvestEU Portal to:
- The InvestEU implementing partners (the EIB group and other financial institutions such as National Promotional Banks and International Financial Institutions) who shall then examine projects falling within their geographic and activity scope,
- The central entry point of the InvestEU Advisory Hub, as appropriate, where an advisory initiative exists and if the project promoters are requesting advisory support.
How to access the InvestEU Portal
In order to submit a project for publication on the InvestEU Portal (the Portal), promoters have to log in and register on the Portal. The submission process is quick and easy. A dedicated user-friendly tool guides promoters through the registration process.
Promoters have their own user profile to submit projects. Publication on the Portal is free of charge. However, to be published on the Portal, projects have to fulfil specific admission/eligibility criteria set in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/626.
In order to contact promoters of projects published on the Portal, investors have to be registered on the Portal too. A dedicated tool guides users through the registration process in completing their user profile.