About the InvestEU Fund - European Union
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About the InvestEU Fund

The InvestEU Fund supports private and public investments in four policy areas which represent important priorities for the Union and bring high EU added value: sustainable infrastructure; research, innovation and digitisation; small and medium-sized businesses; and social investment and skills. The €26.2 billion EU budget guarantee is divided between the four InvestEU policy windows as follows:

  • € 9.9 billion
    Sustainable infrastucture
  • € 6.6 billion
    Research, innovation and digitisation
  • € 6.9 billion
  • € 2.8 billion
    Social investment and skills

What does it finance?

The InvestEU Programme will support 4 main policy areas:

All four areas may cover strategic investments including Important Projects of Common European Interest to support final recipients whose activities are of strategic importance to the EU, in particular in view of the green and digital transitions, of enhanced resilience and of strengthening strategic value chains.

These policy areas can generate investments under 2 compartments.

  1. An EU compartment, with a main focus on EU policy priorities and investments with EU value added.
  2. A Member State compartment, with a main focus on specific national priorities. EU countries have the possibility to contribute a part of their shared management funds to the InvestEU Fund, when setting up a “Member State compartment”. At the beginning of the programming period the Member States can choose to contribute up to 2% of their shared management fund allocation via their Partnership Agreements. If the Member States do not make use of this possibility, as of 1.01.2023 they can still contribute to InvestEU up to 3% of their shared management fund allocation via programme modification. With this voluntary contribution, EU countries can benefit from the EU guarantee's high credit rating, giving national and regional investments more firepower, while cutting red tape.

Under the Member State compartment, loans, guarantees or equity investments can be offered as a complement to other public and private investments.