An independent Investment Committee approves the use of the EU guarantee for financing and investment operations proposed by the implementing partners, taking its decision on the basis of the due diligence presented by the implementing partner in the so-called scoreboard and guarantee request form. In doing this, it verifies the compliance with the regulation and the investment guidelines, giving particular attention to the requirements of (i) additionality and (ii) crowding in private investment, as well with all the other relevant prerequisites.
The Investment Committee meets in four different configurations, corresponding to the four policy windows. The Investment Committee is fully independent. When participating in the activities of the Investment Committee, its members, who have experience in investment in sectors covered by the relevant policy window, perform their duties impartially and in the sole interest of the InvestEU Fund.

The Steering Board has the task to oversee the implementation of the InvestEU Programme and determine the strategic and operational guidance for the implementing partners. Other duties of the board include the adoption of the risk methodological framework, the rules of procedure of the secretariat for the Investment Committee and the rules for operations with investment platforms.
The Steering Board is composed of four representatives of the Commission, three representatives of the EIB Group, two representatives of the implementing partners other than the EIB Group and one expert appointed as a non-voting member by the European Parliament.

The Commission and the Steering Board are advised by an Advisory Board, composed of one representative of each EU country and of each implementing partner, in addition to one expert appointed by the European Economic and Social Committee and one appointed by the Committee of the Regions. The Advisory Board is chaired by a representative of the Commission, a representative of the EIB Group is the vice-chair.
The Advisory Board may issue recommendations on the implementation and functioning of the InvestEU Programme, to be considered by the Steering Board. The Advisory Board also provides advice on the design of financial products to be implemented, on market developments and sub-optimal investment conditions.