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Growth Blue Fund I


The Fund will invest across all sectors of the blue economy in Portugal. It targets start-ups, microenterprises and SMEs with significant innovation and growth potential. The Fund will focus around the value chains of the following preferred areas of investment such as aquaculture, given the centrality of the sector for the Portuguese economy; Blue bioeconomy, where start-ups are initiating the same path that tech start-ups entered into 10 years ago; Offshore energy, for example in the equipment building industry for wind energy floating technology or other sources of energy such as waves, tide or algae. Technologies that currently offers solutions applied to different sectors of the blue economy and that are accelerating the efficiency and competitiveness of such companies

InvestEU operation amount n.a.
Sector Multi-sector
Subsector Blue economy, aquaculture, blue bioeconomy, offshore energy and applied technologies
Policy window Small and Medium Sized enterprises (SMEW) / Research, innovation and digitisation (RIDW)
Approval by the Investment Committee 8 June 2022

Links and documents

Available financing under this operation, see Access to EU Finance

  • 9 NOVEMBER 2022
Conclusions – Growth Blue Fund I
  • 9 NOVEMBER 2022
Scoreboard – Growth Blue Fund I

Press release - 11 November 2022 - COP27: EIF supports €2.5 billion of climate action investment with five venture capital, private equity and infrastructure fund partners

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Policy window
  • Research, innovation and digitisation (RIDW)
  • SMEs (SMEW)
Eligible areas
  • Environment
  • SMEs and small mid-caps
  • Sustainable bioeconomy
  • Seas and oceans
Implementing partner
  • EIF