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EIF: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A - Capped Counter Guarantee


This operation is a capped (counter-)counter-guarantee expected to benefit Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) from the following lnvestEU products:

  • i) SME Competitiveness Guarantee Product, under the SME Window;
  • ii) Cultural and Creative Sector Guarantee Product, under the SME Window;
  • iii) Microfinance, Social and Skills Guarantee Product - with focus on the Skills segment - under the Social Investments and Skills Window. Under this operation, CDP aims to (i) renew its risk-taking support to SMEs (not offered in absence of a third-party counter-guarantee), including in the area of Cultural and Creative Sectors, and (ii) venture into a new area, launching a new product targeting Skills & Education.

The operation will be structured in the form of a counter-guarantee, based on which CDP will provide risk coverage to sub-intermediaries.

InvestEU operation amount  
Policy window SMEs (SMEW), Social investment and skills (SISW)
Approval by the Investment Committee 8 June 2023

Links and documents

  • 17 JANUARY 2024
Conclusions - Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A - Capped Counter Guarantee
  • 17 JANUARY 2024
Scoreboard - Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A - Capped Counter Guarantee

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Policy window
  • SMEs (SMEW)
  • Social investment and skills (SISW)
Eligible areas
  • SMEs and small mid-caps
  • Social investments
Implementing partner
  • EIF