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Research and development

The operation aims to develop an alternative and sustainable production method for meat. In the first stage, it is the production of cultivated pork meat. After a successful scale-up, the portfolio will be expanded with more meat variations. Meatable is a Dutch biotechnology company active in the cultivated meat industry. The Company was founded in 2018, and its mission is to develop, produce and market various cultivated meat products. The investment operation is for a first-time production plant of cultivated meat.

InvestEU operation amount EUR 15 million
Sector Support activities for animal production, Biotechnology research and development.
Policy window Research, innovation and digitisation (RIDW)
Approval by the Investment Committee 09 November 2023

Links and documents

  • 12 FEBRUARY 2024
Conclusions - Meatable

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Policy window
  • Research, innovation and digitisation (RIDW)
Eligible areas
  • Research, development and innovation
  • Sustainable bioeconomy
Implementing partner
  • Invest-NL