Frequently asked questions about the InvestEU Advisory Hub - European Union
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Frequently asked questions about the InvestEU Advisory Hub

Can my Entity (IFI/NPBI) be a direct advisory partner under InvestEU?

Yes, they can. 25% of the InvestEU Advisory Hub envelope is available for advisory partners other than the EIB.

These funds are allocated via calls for expression of interest. However, entities may also decide to implement advisory initiatives under the InvestEU Advisory Hub by signing agreements with the EIB.

Does my entity need to undergo the Pillar Assessment for becoming advisory partner?

Yes, to become an Advisory Partner of the InvestEU Advisory Hub your entity needs to go through the pillar assessment. As the advisory initiatives under the InvestEU Advisory Hub will be implemented in indirect management mode, at minimum, the following pillars must be assessed: (1) internal control system, (2) accounting system, (3) independent external audit, (4) grants, (7) exclusion from access to funding and (8) publication of information on recipients, and (9) protection of personal data.

In the case of advisory support implemented through external service providers, also pillar (5) on procurement needs to be assessed.

Will it be possible to be both advisory and implementing partner?

Yes, an entity can act as both an implementing and an advisory partner or just one of the two, to be defined in separate contractual arrangements, i.e. a guarantee agreement or/and an advisory agreement.

How can Member States help finance advisory initiatives under the Member State Compartment?

Member States can contribute to the implementation of advisory initiatives within the Member State Compartment of the InvestEU Advisory Hub. Their contribution can be covered by funds under shared management or by the Recovery and Resilience Facility (only the EU budget and not the national co-financing). Moreover, as provided by the InvestEU Regulation, participation in the advisory support costs may be requested from final beneficiaries.

Can advisory initiatives be linked to the deployment of a specific financial product under the InvestEU?

Yes. Helping the deployment of the various financial products that will be available under the different InvestEU Fund policy windows and building the pipeline for the InvestEU Fund in general is part of the mandate of the InvestEU Advisory Hub. This is why specific advisory initiatives will be set up to support the implementation of InvestEU financial products.

How, when and what type of external service providers will be eligible for advisory actions beyond the calls for advisory partners that fall under one of the categories of points (c)(ii), (v), or (vi) of Article 62(1) of the Financial Regulation?

Some identified advisory support needs might not be served by the Advisory Partners selected through the call(s) for expression of interest. The Commission may therefore decide to launch calls for tenders in order for external service providers to deliver specific advisory support. The eligible external service providers of such calls will depend on the nature of the advisory support needs. Due to the demand-driven nature of the InvestEU Advisory Hub the timing of such calls cannot be determined in advance.

Where will the future calls be published?

Future calls will be published on the InvestEU website. Announcement of such calls will be provided through the regular Communication platforms of the European Commission.