How to get advisory support - European Union
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How to get advisory support

Advisory Hub Wizard tutorial

Who can apply for advisory support?

The InvestEU Advisory Hub will provide advisory support services to:

  • Private project promoters
  • Public promoters (including Member States central and local authorities) and
  • Financial and other intermediaries implementing financing and investment operations for the benefit of entities that face difficulties in obtaining access to finance.

Apply for advisory support

You can easily apply for advisory support through the

InvestEU Central Entry Point

A set of questions will help to identify your advisory needs and the potential advisory partner most suitable to address them.

You will be invited to provide details about your advisory support needs (e.g. location, area of activity sector, type of advisory support needed, maturity of the proposal and beneficiary contact details).

To formally apply for advisory support, you will need to register and log in via EU Login.

At the end of the application process, you may be invited to select one or several advisory partner(s) that could serve your advisory needs based on the replies provided throughout the questionnaire. If your request does not match with a specific advisory initiative implemented by one any of the InvestEU Advisory Partners, your request will be further analysed and you will be informed on the possible ways forward for your request under the InvestEU Advisory Hub Umbrella.