1. Project Advisory
1.1 Project identification/generation
- Advice in relation to sector strategic investment planning (incl. conducting related market studies);
- Advice in the identification of investment opportunities, development of a pipeline of projects, development of project concepts;
- Provide opinions on project proposals;
1.2 Project preparation & development
- Advice on project feasibility, including guidance and comments on master plans, pre-feasibility and market studies, project feasibility studies, including legal, social and environmental aspects;
- Review of project applications before submission for funding/financing;
- Advice on project structuring, including review of business plans, eligibility criteria, project-financing structure;
- Advice on Public-Private Partnerships in relation to legal and regulatory aspects, advice on preparing, approving and managing PPPs;
- Advice on ex-ante and ex-post environmental impact assessments, monitoring and evaluation;
- Guidance and support with environmental assessments and permits stemming from the EU environmental legislation (e.g. Environmental Impact Assessment, Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats Directive, Assessment under the Water Framework Directive, permit required under the Industrial Emissions Directive etc.);
1.3 Planning & implementation of investment projects
- Implementation, management and operation of investment projects;
- Monitoring during and post implementation of investment projects;
- Closure phase of projects;
- Evaluation and optimization of investment projects.
1.4 Financial structuring
- Advice on structuring projects for improving their access to finance, including advice on the business model, funding sources and financing structure, capital structure, debt and risk allocation;
- Advice on improving investment conditions for non-project activities such as developing business cases for new financing schemes, improving the availability of financial services;
- Support to fund structuring, implementation and management of financial instruments;
- Support in how to combine different types of European funding/financing with other sources of financing;
1.5 Establishment of investment platforms and blending facilities
- Advisory support in designing, structuring and setting up of investment platforms for aggregating projects, including cross-border and macro-regional investment platforms;
- Support for the establishment of investment platforms that bundle small and medium-sized projects in one or more Member States by theme or by region;
- Support in setting up blending facilities.
2. Capacity building
Can be provided in the form of specific training or other type of capacity building activity to promoters, financial and other intermediaries, including for the planning, development and implementation of investment projects
2.1 Strengthening capacity and investment readiness of organizations
- Support in building institutional and administrative capacity in financial management, regulatory aspects and sector related technical expertise;
- Development of manuals, methodological guidance, factsheets, e-learning;
- Providing training, seminars, workshops and networking events;
- Exchange of expertise between MS or from the EU level to the national level;
- Exchange of expertise between sectors;
- Facilitate the establishment of collaborative platforms for peer-to-peer exchange;
- Share data, knowhow and best practices to support project pipeline and sector development;
- Develop organisational capacity, skills and processes and accelerate investment readiness of organisations;
- Support for financing and investment operations for the benefit of entities that face difficulties in obtaining access to finance, including through support to develop risk assessment capacity or sector specific knowledge;
- Mentoring for SMEs/micro-enterprises in terms of coaching and training in project delivery;
- Support for start-ups, including protecting their research and innovation investments by obtaining intellectual property titles, such as patents.
- Coaching and training in project identification and project preparation.
2.2 Environmental and/or social sustainability structuring and impact assessments
- Sustainability enhancing structured finance services, including for nature based and circular economy based solutions;
- Guidance and support with environmental proofing and accounting standards;
- Coaching and training in ex-ante and ex-post environmental impact assessments, monitoring and evaluation, environmental assessments and permits stemming from the EU environmental legislation (e.g. Environmental Impact Assessment, Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats Directive, Assessment under the Water Framework Directive, permit required under the Industrial Emissions Directive etc.);
2.3 Procurement and compatibility with State aid rules
- Support with market analysis, developing tender documents and implementing procurement procedures, related to investment projects;
- Guidance on possible State aid implications including the proportionality of the envisaged intervention to minimize market distortions, compliance with de minimis regulation, block exemption regulations, notification procedures, related to investment projects.
3. Market development
3.1 Market development activities
- Market studies and ex-ante assessments
3.2 Communication and awareness raising
- Provision of workshops, seminars, networking events and conferences in MS and at the EU level; Web platforms for communication purposes and sharing best practices, help desks.